Film Fights

#049: Hounds vs Sounds [Are You Afraid of the Dark pt.1]

Funny Ears Network Season 4 Episode 82

Boo-urns!  It's that spooOOky time of the year again, Lovely SHRIEKtators!  And your resident Film FRIGHTERS, KonDEAD & Jon(OH N)o, are here to muck up your precious childhood!  But in all seriousness, Are You Afraid of the Dark is a classic anthology horror series that found itself targeted at kids but appealing to all ages.  On this episode, Konrad & Jono discuss The Hungry Hounds and Dark Music (The Tales of).  Will there be a winner?  Will there be a part 2 later this month?  Will there be another Halloween surprise?  The answer to all of these questions is a resounding "yea no duh".

Intro/Outro Theme by Math the Band.

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